Addressing Anemia and Quality of Life Through Current Evidence and Guideline-Based Practice in Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Podcast 2: Treatment and Follow Up

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What is one of the major problems that may occur with repeated transfusions, and often leads to a need for more targeted therapy for MDS?
A 67-year-old woman has a bone marrow biopsy with the following results: hypercellular for age
(57%), with morphology revealing 4% blasts; 3% ring sideroblasts; and immunohistochemistry
showing CD34+. Erythroid hyperplasia, and dysmegakaryopoiesis are also observed. Cytogenetics
shows del(5q) MDS subtype. Next-generation sequencing shows DNMT3A mutations (no IDH2 or
TP53 mutations). If the patient fails supportive care with transfusions, which of the following
targeted agents might be most effective, particularly given her high percentage of ring
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