JAK Inhibitors in Alopecia Areata: How to Use in Varied Clinical Scenarios
Podcast 2: JAK Inhibitors: A New Frontier in Alopecia Areata Treatment

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Date of  Participation
An 18-year-old woman with longstanding moderate-to-severe alopecia areata presents to your office seeking treatment. She has tried and failed high potency steroids and topical minoxidil. She has lost 70% of her scalp hair, which is severely impacting her quality of life. What is the best next step?
In the crossover extension of the ALLEGRO phase 2a clinical trial investigating the safety and efficacy of ritlecitinib and brepocitinib in adults with severe alopecia areata (AA), what percentage of patients receiving ritlecitinib achieved ≥ SALT30
What is your job role?
What is your type of practice?
How many years have you been in practice?
Please estimate the number of patients with alopecia areata you provide for weekly:
Were the following learning objectives met? Please check appropriate rating:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Determine which patients with alopecia areata would benefit from treatment with Janus Kinase (JAK) inhibitors based on patient and disease characteristics
Evaluate clinical data on the safety and efficacy and mechanisms of Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors for the treatment of patients with alopecia areata
Please rate your confidence in your ability to diagnose, treat, and manage alopecia areata on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means "not confident at all" and 5 means "very confident."
As a result of this course, I will likely make changes to my practice.
In particular, as a result of this course, I will be more likely to implement the following changes:
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What barriers may prevent/inhibit changes in practice recommended in this activity?
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If YES, how do you feel it impacted your learning? (Please check all that apply):
Please evaluate this activity as a whole.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
The learning format was interactive and engaging
The content was pertinent to my professional needs
The activity will ultimately benefit patient care
I would recommend this activity to colleagues
Do you feel a commercial product, device, or service was inappropriately promoted in this educational activity? 
What was the most effective aspect(s) of this learning activity?  
(Please check all that apply)
Do you have suggestions for improving the session or topics for future activities? 
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Please evaluate the faculty: Amy McMichael, MD
Please evaluate the faculty: Jorge Larrondo, MD
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At times, MLG partners to conduct educational outcomes analyses on treatment and/or diagnosis behavior that are all deidentified and rolled-up across all learners.
Any additional comments are welcome below. 
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