The DETECT Initiative in Early Alzheimer’s Disease: Optimizing Collaboration and Multidisciplinary Care to Facilitate Timely Diagnosis
Podcast 5: 

Questions marked with a * are required
Contact Information
Credentials/Degree (MD, DO, RN, etc.)
Date of  Participation
What is your specialty focus?
What is your type of practice?
How many years have you been in practice?
Please estimate the number of patients with Alzheimer's disease you treat each week:  
Please rate your confidence in your ability to manage patients with Alzheimer's disease on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means “Not confident at all” and 5 means “Very Confident."
As a result of this podcast, I will likely make changes to my practice.
In which of the following categories will you make changes? (Please check all that apply)
In particular, as a result of this course, I will be more likely to implement the following:
(Please check all that apply)
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