The DETECT Initiative in Early Alzheimer’s Disease: Optimizing Collaboration and Multidisciplinary Care to Facilitate Timely Diagnosis
Podcast 2: Pharmacist


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Helen is an 83-year-old Caucasian woman who has experienced progressive memory decline for the past 3 years. She has to take notes to remember things, needs reminders to take her medications, and has some difficulty coming up with words. Her husband is now paying the bills and doing most of the cooking. She has a decline in awareness of current events (such as the war in Ukraine), a flat learning curve and poor recall on bedside word list memory testing, mild naming difficulties, and was concrete on proverb interpretation – an aspect of abstract thinking.

Current medications include gabapentin, fluoxetine, verapamil ER, tramadol, Tylenol, famotidine, promethazine, oxybutynin XL, and lorazepam.

The working diagnosis is neurocognitive disorder, likely early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Which of her medications is unlikely to be contributing to her cognitive decline?
What is the role of the pharmacist on the team managing patients with AD? 
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